Monday, July 14, 2008

Installing Zope/Plone

This took me nearly 2 hours to figure out how to deal not because it was hard, but because I had no idea how Zope/Plone worked and there was honestly no documentation on it. But basically you can go to the website and download the windows installer.

This installer will then install Zope, the application server, python and plone all at once. Plone actually becomes a Zope "product" The key thing is that Zope acts as your web server to host files, but it's more advanced than just a web server because it can serve client application calls (which is why it is a called an application server.

In any case, the installer will automatically create an instance of a zope for you and should be able to start this in the windows services menu. The instance will be in the folder Data of the directory where you installed everything. Once you have this instance started, you can access the zope management interface by going to http://localhost:8080/manage. This provides a backend to the zope application server.

To go to the plone installation go to http://localhost:8080/plone.

That's it!

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