Saturday, November 22, 2008

SVN committing

This isn't exactly a Xataface related issue, but I found myself continually forgetting about this that I thought it would be good to blog about this so I can remember. When I have ssh'ed onto the server and I need to do a svn commit, I get an error message about not having an editor to input my svn commit message. The following piece of code fixes this:

export EDITOR=vi

Where vi is the editor program we are using. If you have something else installed on your server (and hopefully you do because vi really blows), then you can just use that.

Update: You can actually avoid having to do this by adding that exact line into your .bash_profile file. This file gets executed upon log in and runs a set of commands. So if you do this, it will always just set your editor and you won't have to worry about it anymore.

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